Fast, Easy, Affordable Web Sites For Novelists Who Hate Marketing
Are you a novelist?
Do you hate, loathe, and despise marketing?
Don't you think it's crazy unfair that your publisher expects you to do all the work on marketing your book, AND they expect you to pay gazillions of dollars for your author web site?
Doesn't it drive you nuts wondering whether any of your marketing even WORKS?
Do you wish you had a coach who could tell you WHAT to do, WHEN to do it, WHY you're doing it, and HOW to know if it works?
DitDat is here to be that coach. Here's the deal we offer you:
- We'll make you a basic author web site in minutes, with exactly the pages that every author web site needs.
- We'll show you exactly what to do to customize the site.
- We'll give you the exact order to do each step.
- We'll tell you why you're doing it.
- We'll help you set up tools to know if it works.
You don't need to know anything about technology. We bring the tech.
You don't need to know anything about marketing. We tell you what works and why.
You don't need a bundle of money. Most of what we do for you is automated, which means it's covered by a low flat monthly fee.
You don't need to struggle alone in the dark. We'll assign you to a cohort of novelists just like you and meet with you as a group in regular online sessions to coach you through the entire process of creating a passive-income-producing author marketing platform. If you need a little extra one-on-one attention, you can pay extra for that. But DitDat is designed to be group-oriented training using self-serve technology. Our goal is that you never need any one-on-one help.
We believe that marketing should be fast, easy, and fun. DitDat is designed to make it so for you. So you have time to do more writing.
In sixty seconds, you can have a basic author web site, ready to tell the world who you are and what you write.
Want to know more? Get all the details here.

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