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QuickStart Guide: Fill In Your Organization Info

Why You Do This Step

You need to provide us with basic information about you that we can use throughout your web site. Some things we need to know:
  • Your name, address, email, and phone number. 
  • "Variables" -- facts about you we can use to personalize your web site automatically.
  • Your time zone.
  • Your PayPal account name (so you can receive money from visitors to your site).

How You Do This Step

  1. Open a web browser window to your DitDat web site. 
  2. Log in with your username and password (if you are not automatically logged in). 
  3. Hover the mouse on the "Admin" menu in your menubar and then click on "Organization Settings."
  4. The "Organization Settings" page will open.
  5. Fill in the Organization Info section.
  6. Fill in the Variables section.
  7. Fill in the Time Zone section.
  8. Fill in the email address connected to your PayPal account, if you have one. (There is no security risk here. We don't want your PayPal password. We only need the email address that people can use to send you money. This is public information.)
  9. DO NOT fill in any other information just yet. You'll do that later.

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Just visit the DitDat Customer Support page to tell us which QuickStart page was a problem and what we could do to make it better. There is no fee for reporting problems.

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Need More Help?

To keep our prices dirt cheap, DitDat is a self-service tool.

If you need help, look here:

  1. The FAQ Page (Frequently Asked Questions).
  2. Email the other people in your cohort.
  3. The Newbie Forum
  4. Ask a question at the next DitDat online seminar.
  5. DitDat Customer Support. (This will cost something! This is how we keep your basic prices low.)